New 28 Nov 2022

Redesigned MockStore: UI Kits, Templates & Powerups

Redesigned MockStore: UI Kits, Templates & Powerups

MockStore is the resource hub for all your wireframing needs. Integrated within the editor, it provides easy access to hundreds of UI packs, templates and also add-on tools. Today's release makes MockStore better and more useful. The core part of this release is to enhance the user experience in MockStore to easily discover, find and install for your wireframing at one place.

Re-designed UI/UX

The new theme used in MockStore makes it seemless with rest of the editor. Now UI Packs and Powerups are better organized with categories and templates have larger thumbnails.

Curated Templates

Thanks to the MockFlow community who have contributed thousands of templates to the MockStore over the years. However from today, we have decided to provide high-quality and a curated set of templates for various frameworks brought to you by our in-house design team. It is now available in MockStore.

MockStore Templates

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