New 15 Oct 2023

Added Offline support (*.dsgn file) for MockFlow Designer

Added Offline support (*.dsgn file) for MockFlow Designer
Available in:

As promised in our last changelog, today we have brought full file based offline support for Designer in MockFlow desktop app. It is available in both Windows and MacOS.

What is Offline Support ?

MockFlow Designer being a web based designer application requires cloud to operate inorder to load its editor, store designer data on our servers and restore them. While cloud comes with its own benefits such as better collaboration and easier sharing, it need not be accepted by all organizations especially when it comes to data storage.

The offline support for MockFlow Designers allows designers to own their design data by saving and opening their design files in .dsgn format from their storage / machine. Just like other desktop apps such as Adobe Photoshop which supports PSD files, MockFlow Designer uses .dsgn file format for this purpose.

Bonus - Encrypted design file

While how the file (.dsgn) is stored and shared is the responsibility of the user, we at MockFlow understand how important is file level security. Just like in *.wire files used in MockFlow WireframePro. *.dsgn files too can be encrypted with 256-bit encrypted password. This means your file is secured even if your storage is compromised.

Screenshot 2023-10-15 at 7.29.52 PM.png

Why Offline Design is important?

Just like Cloud, Offline has its own salient features, let us check them out in the following points:

  1. Work anywhere even in conditions where Internet is not available
  2. Better compliance for design data without relying on third-party services
  3. Works as is, with enteprise ready file-sharing/hosting programs already installed in your organizations
  4. Make your own versioned design copies for better design organization
  5. Multiple ways to share your design copy, even send via email, chat...

Note: Offline design is a product design + feature, available only in higher plans as mentioned above. For more information, contact us.

Download Designer app for Windows

Download Designer app for MacOS

What is MockFlow Designer?

An easy-to-use tool for non-designers to quickly create graphics for website images, blog hero, app assets, social media images and more...

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