We all know there is a sudden surge in OTT platforms (Over-the-top media service) delivering various forms of media content with a direct-to-customer approach. It is not just the big players like Netflix or Disney but many creators, agencies and small media companies start their own media platforms for better revenue share and to increase their brand equity.
Creating an OTT platform involves a multi-layered approach. In addition to a robust backend infrastructure, the user experience and UI are the most important factors to consider to increase viewership by delivering a satisfying experience. It also depends upon the target market reached like median age of the viewers, region and more such factors.
Designing and iterating UI for OTT can easily turn into an expensive affair if not properly brainstormed. It is important to make things clear in the idea stage of the application itself. Today, we are providing exclusive UI packs with hundreds of components to ideate both web and mobile for OTT.
It not only includes specific components like video player, playlists, video description but also pre-made screens that are usually part of any OTT service like a payment screen, search, homescreen etc..
Install the OTT packs from MockStore today and start ideating your media apps before it is actually developed. Save effort, time and budget.