New 28 Jul 2023

Launching our next iteration of MockFlow Dashboard

Launching our next iteration of MockFlow Dashboard

Two years ago after we first released design spaces for MockFlow, it has become the de-facto way for many businesses to organize all their cloud based UI design content into spaces. Our customers used design spaces in many ways than we imagined - Space for organizing client design, Space for branding, Space for brainstorming UI and more like this. Spaces are not just for MockFlow content, it brings design related files such as images, videos, pdf and cloud based projects like Figma, Miro, Prezi - all put together in a single workspace making them logically related to each other.

Today we are happy to release the next major iteration of MockFlow Dashboard including spaces. Let us go for a tour of the key points in this release:

MockFlow Home

MockFlow New Dashboard

On opening MockFlow, you will now be taken to a default start screen. Here you can use the new "Create" bar for creating your MockFlow related projects like wireframing, styleguide, user testing. Also the home screen lists the last 10 projects you have opened.

New SideBar

New SideBar - MockFlow Dashboard

Instead of the grid based layout used in the previous dashboard, this new version provides an easy to navigate sidebar. With the sidebar, the spaces are always listed and makes switching between spaces simple and fast. And all common operations like account settings, notifications, search are also part of this new sidebar which is always available no matter in which space you are.

Simplified Space layout

MockFlow Dashboard Layout

We know how much our customers love their spaces. This iteration only makes spaces more simple, sleek and accessible with few subtle changes. The header height is reduced to a single horizontal section. A new "Create" bar that was seen in the home screen continues here. Now each design space is divided into only two sections - Projects and Files for easier understanding. Also there are numerous minor design updates that has gone into the new space layout.

Overall the new MockFlow dashboard brings a fresh perspective for UI design with its new "Create" bar, home screen and improved space.

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