New 28 May 2024

Update: Visually Suggest Design Changes, Not Just Comments

Update: Visually Suggest Design Changes, Not Just Comments

The latest update in MockFlow pushes design commenting to another level as now the collaborator can make visual changes to design as part of comments for making better suggestions without altering the original version.

Comments form one of the vital parts in ideation stage and when it comes to UI brainstorming, comments in any other design tool simply provide only annotated feedback with text and attachments. This is not enough, as the collaborator will struggle to put thoughts into words especially when it comes to design updates. At the same time editing the original design is not a good workflow.

Introducing "Design Suggestions"

On top of your existing comment workflow, users can now suggest actual design changes in the same MockFlow editor. Let us go through a sample case where this would be useful:

Without Design Suggestions:

  1. A wireframe design is shared with a client. It is about an e-commerce checkout box
  2. Client reviews the design but finds it requires certain layout and theme changes. They try to type it out in the comment box with annotations
  3. Designer is unable to understand to where exactly the changes are applied and comes with an update overriding the original design.
  4. Client is not happy that the design is not going as per their requirement but also feels it is difficult to explain design changes in text

End Result: More time is wasted in discussions, existing design is getting replaced, client is unhappy.

With Design Suggestions:

  1. A wireframe design is shared with a client. It is about an e-commerce checkout box
  2. Client reviews the design but finds it requires certain layout and theme changes. Instead of explaining the changes in text, Client, clicks the new "Suggest Design" button and edits the wireframe just like the designer but making visual suggestions. Now the comment is stored with the suggestion without disturbing the original design.
  3. Designer is able to understand what exactly the client requires. The designer also has the ability to import the suggested design as an editable wireframe with one click into existing page or new page in the project.
  4. Client is happy for communicating changes effectively so that the designer understands.

End Result: Lot of time saved in re-designs, smoother communication, both client and designer are happy.

Visual Language is better for design communication than just words.

We did not stop here, suggestions are only more useful if the designer is able to detect changes done to design and also able to import the design changes in editable format.

On clicking a suggested design thumbnail, it opens the viewer like below where there are many comparison modes such as 1:1, overlay and diff.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 7.43.50 AM.png

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